Located at the southern end of the Hall of Mirrors (opposite to the War Salon). The decoration matches that of the War Salon which means that the décor focuses on weaponry and trophies carved out of the marble panels. But - as the name states - the main theme of the salon is the peace brought to Europe by France. Originally this was the last salon of the Queen's Grand Apartments and the room was separated from the Hall of Mirrors by a removable screen that could be removed for grand state occasions within half an hour. Especially Marie Leszczinska used this room frequently. Every Sunday she would have concerts of both religious and secular music played in this salon.
Le Brun was also set to work on this salon and he painted the ceiling. The main painting on the ceiling shows France being carried in a chariot drawn be peace doves. The chariot is followed by glory and immortality as well as symbols referring to peace reached through marriages. The fireplace is carved from green marble and is accompanied by two lions made on the order of Marie Antoinette. The large oval shape above the fireplace was painted by François Lemoyne in 1729 and depicts Louis XIV himself granting peace to Europe by giving out olive branches.
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