Sunday, 23 March 2025

Charles Juste de Beauvau, Prince de Craon

Charles Juste de Beauvau was born in the capital of Lorraine, Luneville, on 10 September 1720, into the second-most powerful family in the region. His parents were a remarkably fertile couple - having 20 children, Charles Juste was the thirteenth. 

Little is recorded of his upbringing which was largely undertaken by a governess before he would be handed over to a male governor. It was not until a marriage had been arranged that his name reentered the courtly annals. His family had found a suitable bride for the then 25-year old Charles Juste. The choice was Marie Charlotte de La Tour d'Auvergne who gave birth to their only child after five years of marriage. Their daughter - Anne-Louise-Marie - was born on 1 April 1750. 

Marie Charlotte died at just 33 years old in 1763 which left Charles free to remarry. He did - a year later - to Marie Charlotte Sylvie de Rohan-Chabot. The couple had no children so Charles' only heir was Anne-Louise-Marie who married into the Noailles-family. It seems that he and his second wife lived almost entirely separate lives as she rarely ever features in the mentions of him in contemporary literature. She would eventually survive him by eleven years.

Charles Juste

Throughout his career at court, Charles Juste continuously rose. He inherited his father's princedom in 1754 when he became the Prince de Craon. At this point, he was already an experienced soldier who had achieved the rank of field marshal in 1748. He certainly earned his spurs; having begun his French military career in 1738, he served in Spain and the Czech Republic where he seemingly tirelessly worked on behalf of the king. Luckily for him, when he volunteered for the French army, he had already been made a colonel of the Duke of Lorraine's regiment - who was conveniently his mother's lover.

As a reward for his loyal service, the king showered him with favours. Charles Juste was made Grandee of Spain as well as governor of both Provence and Languedoc before also obtaining the knighthood of the Saint-Esprit. His governorship of particularly Provence was very positive. He facilitated a resurgence of trade and navigation as well as cultivating commerce within the region. 

Despite primarily distinguishing himself as a soldier, he had an intellectual side, too. Hosting a fashionable salon where he received poets, philosophers, politicians and authors. Charles Juste himself often dealt with the Académie Française where he obtained a seat in 1771. 

Amongst other qualities, Charles Juste appears to have been quite tolerant when it came to religion. The story goes that he was touring a prison (as one does, apparently) when he came upon a group of people who had been arrested solely for being protestants. He immediately ordered them released and (allegedly) exclaimed that both justice and humanity spoke for the unfortunates who had been thus imprisoned; he consequently declared that he would have no more arrests for such a "crime". Naturally, not everyone was pleased at this and he was threatened that the king would surely be told so he had better order the re-incarceration of the prisoners upon threat of losing his command. He is said to have responded that the "king was master and could justly deprive him of the command he had entrusted to him but that he could not prevent him from doing his duty by his conscience and honour". 

Luckily for Charles Juste, the threat of tattling to the king would likely not have worked regardless. Louis XV later expressed that he had nothing but respect and admiration for his loyal Prince de Craon.

By 1783, Charles Juste had turned 53 and was made maréchal de France. On the eve of the revolution, he was made Secretary of State for War but only served for six months. Politically, Charles Juste appears to have been in favour of reform but does not seem to have been radical in any way. On the contrary, he remained a royalist and firmly supported Louis XVI whom he only survived by a few months. Louis XVI himself had had an immense faith in Charles Juste. The ill-fated king had brought Charles Juste with him to Paris immediately prior to the revolution as the king knew that Charles Juste was immensely popular with the people. Louis XVI fully recognised not just the popularity of his secretary but also that it was very well deserved. Sadly, the presence of Charles Juste did not ultimately save the king.

The upheaval of the revolution never managed to get the better of him - likely due to his popularity - as Charles Juste managed quite a feat: he died peacefully on 21 May 1793.

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