The Russian Tzar Peter the Great went on a visit to France during Louis XV's minority; unlike his host quite a lot of the Tzar's clothing has survived and displays the great opulence of the male fashions of the time. Now displayed in the Kremlin.
Some of the most fabulous are these:
This greatcoat and waistcoat from 1727-30 are both heavily embroidered with silver threading. The coat appears to be of a velvety fabric while the waistcoat is of silk.
This green coat is quite similar in the style of the one above and dates back to 1727-30. The fabric is green wool with metal thread embroidery.

A colourfully embroidered long-sleeved waist-coat.

Suit from 1710-20 of green woolen cloth with gold embroideries; the waistcoat is of linen silk also embroidered with metal thread.

Summer clothing, 1710's-20's

These three silk robes are banyans
Winter clothing trimmed with beaver fur and made of damask and wool, 1710-25