Until the age of 7 years boys and girls would be dressed in the same types of clothing: robes, jackets and the like. When the boys of the upper classes then reached their 7th year they would be handed over "to the company of men" and would be dressed as their fathers.
Silk with a blue fleur-de-lis for an infant boy, 1740-70

Spanish coat of silk with metal thread, 1784-85

British military-style suit of silk, 1760
Red & Orange
Danish livery coat for a boy of 4-6 years, 1740

Silk coat for a pre-teen boy, 1730's

Danish suit of blue silk for a young boy, 1780's

Norwegian silk and wool coat with robe, 1763

Three-piece suit of green silk, 1760-75

Beige silk coat, 1770
Italian banyan, c. 1770

Coat of silk, 1760-70

Danish silk coat with red accents, 1786-87

Dutch silk suit, 1775-1800
French boy's robe, 1750

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